Word library
Endlessly fascinating and often a starting point for my research and an end point as painting titles. I collect words and phrases in my notebooks.
Themes, Theories & Research
Landscape, liminal, repeated experience, layers, history, archeology, traces, ground, inhabitiveness, connectedness, othering, isolation, endlessness, shelterless, settlement, occupation, disturbances, exhumation, discards, tracks, detritus
Land Language
Selion, rudge, headland, plough, furrow, screed, thurrow, innage, flatland, sad land, windrow, yield, mot, lode, screed, slub, strata, disinter, ringe, unearth,
Local Language
Decoy, snake hall, kings hall, swampings, fen, gool, mizzle, glut, aud (old), agaitsward (towards home),
Reading list:
The Book of Human Emotions, Tiffany Watt Smith
Landmarks, Robert McFarlane
Fenland Landscape Glossary for Lincolnshire, Hilary Healey
All of the internet!